Grace Point Church believes strongly that the local church is to be involved in Great Commission of sharing the Gospel throughout the world. As we grow as a church, we are committed to increasing our partnership with those serving around the world. We believe that partnering is more than giving money, but is about developing and maintaining a deep relationship as they seek to fulfill God’s calling in their life. Here is a list of the organizations and people we are financially and relationally supporting.

We are a cooperating church with the IMB which is the largest sending Evangelical missions agency. The IMB partners with churches to empower limitless missionary teams who are making disciples and multiplying churches among unreached peoples and places for the glory of God. More than 4,800 people groups - close to 1 billion people - still live with little or no access to the gospel. Fast facts contain up-to-date statistics. IMB is an entity of the Southern Baptist Convention, the nation's largest evangelical denomination, claiming more than 40,000 churches with nearly 16 million members.

Locally we are partnered with Alternatives Medical Center in Escondido. This is a great ministry that exists to provide a medical environment that protects the rights to life of the preborn. They provide guidance and alternatives to women in North Inland County who are considering abortion. It is their prayer and goal to present the claims of Jesus Christ to each of their patients and families, as the Lord opens up opportunities.

Camp Julian Oaks is a Christian camp that ministers to children who have been removed from their homes for reasons of abuse or neglect. With the help of many volunteer counselors, children between the ages of 9-18, who desperately need love and hope are touched by Jesus. They are invited to come to camp for a week in the summer, a weekend in the winter, and attend other gatherings throughout the year. Julian Oaks offers activities including hiking, music and drama opportunities, crafts, swimming, games, worship, bible studies and most importantly, an opportunity for the healing of deep emotional wounds. This healing comes through the love of Jesus Christ that is shared with the children by the counselors & staff throughout their stay and beyond, with opportunities to reunite and be encouraged throughout the year. As a supporter of Julian Oaks Youth Ministries, we are investing in the life of a child who desperately needs to experience the unconditional love of Jesus Christ & find hope for a future beyond the abuse. Our financial gifts help to provide an opportunity for children to come year after year and create milestones of healing.
Chris and Miheala Guess are serving in Romania. Chris and Miheala returned to Romania in 2012 to focus on church planting and reaching the people of Romania with the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Juan and Maria are Spaniards and serve the local church and Al Ándalus Theological Seminary in Sevilla, Spain. The heart of the seminary is to reach and disciple Spaniards for the purpose of equipping the local church in a country where Evangelical Christians account for less than 1% of the population.

Josh and Heidi Manning are serving Flagstaff, Arizona. After five years in Mongolia, the Lord redirected the Manning family to Flagstaff to equip the Native American church through Indian Bible College. Their primary focus is serving the Native church through Bible education and transformational disciple-making.

Isaac and Rachel Fredricks are currently in training with Ethnos 360 Bible College preparing to serve overseas to a location that God will show them. Isaac grew up at Grace Point Church and we are excited to be their sending church!

Ben, Beth, and Bradley Howard serve in Yokohama, Japan at Yokohama International Baptist Church. Pastor Ben served at Grace Point Church from January 20014 to December 2015. During this time he and Beth felt a strong calling to serve in Japan. If you would like to learn more about Pastor Ben, you can follow him at his Expat Chaplain Blog. They are presently serving at Yokohama International Baptist Church in Yokohama, Japan.

Lindsey Gray serves with AIM Air in Nairobi, Kenya. AIM AIR is a Christian missionary aviation organization – part of the larger ministry of Africa Inland Mission. The team at AIM AIR exists to serve missionaries and ministries throughout East and Central Africa.